Welcome to the Fray

"I have lost my mind I'm walking through time...pretending & hoping to find that distant peace of mind."
                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Beastie Boys

by: Sterling More

the Milkman delivers

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About Sterling

Sterling's hobbies include ranting, bitching, complaining and often pickled in some form of alcohol.  He enjoys late nights, early rises, and naps in between.  Sundays are for homemade brunch & Bloody Mary's.  He loves the nostalgia of vinyl and musical tastes of a very wide variety.  Sterling laughs as much as he broods, the duality of being him.  He wouldn't expect anyone to understand.  Stay pickled, my friends.   

Check out my friend Casey Shaw at:
or reach out at:

***Coming soon: the Milkman Delivers gear 

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